17cpp, filesystem

c++ system programming notes

C++ 17 之後開始支援檔案系統的操作

Here comes an example of using filesystem library to "ls" a file. (breaks on first whitespace or newline


A good way of opening file in C++ with RAII/no need to close the file. for different modes of openning a file, see this(in, out, at the end, append, binary, ...)

#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
int main() {
  auto file = std::fstream();
  constexpr auto mode = std::ios::out | std::ios::binary | std::ios::app;
  if (file.open("test.txt", mode); file.is_open()) {
                std::cout << "success\n";

To read/write a file, we can use stream operator to do that. Which behaves just like cin and it's type safe.(breaks on first whitespace or newline

string hello, world;
file >> hello >> world;
